Licensed Certificate of competence as Tour Guide from Indonesian Goverment

Licensed Certificate of competence as Tourist Guide for Java – Bali Overland trip from Indonesian Goverment

Certificate of completely COVID19 vaccinated from Indonesian Goverment

Our Legal and Office
Ridwan Guide Bogor
Jl. Pulo Geulis desa No.20, RT.03/RW.04, Babakan Ps., Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16126
nama perusahaan/ name of company:
PT Semesta Alam Bertasbih
Tanda Daftar Perusahaan/ Company Register:
NOMOR : AHU-057055.AH.01.30.Tahun 2023
Nomor Induk Berusaha/ Registration Number:
NPWP/ Tax Number:
f you have any question, request for customised tour, need to discuss, or to make an enquiry Please, Feel free to contact us !